
Tożsamość w Radiu Kraków – podcast

Udostępniamy nagranie wczorajszego “Koła Kultury”, audycji Justyny Nowickiej, w której redaktorzy “Autoportretu” opowiadali o najnowszym numerze.

[audio:http://archiwum.autoportret.pl/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Autoportret-36-Tozsamosc-po-89.mp3|titles=Autoportret 36 – Tozsamosc po 89]

Identity after ’89

We are pleased to inform you that the English version of the current issue of the „Autoportret” quarterly is ready for download.

Full English version of our website is still under construction and will be launched soon.

Autoportret 1[36]/2012
Identity after ’89

Emiliano Ranocchi, From a vantage [PDF]
Ewa Rewers, Marginalisation of the interpretative power of context [PDF]
Contemporary Silesian architecture – discussion between Andrzej Duda, Leszek Jodliński, Dorota Leśniak-Rychlak, Tomasz Nawrocki, Anna Syska [PDF]
Elżbieta Rybicka, Global and local [PDF]
Karol Kurnicki, Ideology and power in a post-socialist city [PDF]
Anna Rumińska, The townie vs. the city dweller [PDF]
Vladimir Czumalo, Architecture and identity [PDF]
Jana Tichá, The stone Modernism and visual weakness of digital age [PDF]
Damas Gruska, In search of Slovakia [PDF]
Samu Szemerey, Identities of a housing estate [PDF]
Valentina Gulin Zrnić, The mammoth-building story [PDF]
Levente Polyak, Exchange in the street [PDF]
Jens R. Fischer, Identity at a turning point [PDF]
Matej Jaššo, The city as a personality [PDF]
Peter Michalík, Our (post-) socialist cities [PDF]
Łukasz Białkowski, The future shall set us free? [PDF]
Jurko Prochaśko, How is a Middle European possible and what is his benefit today? [PDF]

The issue has been published with the financial support of the International Visegrad Fund.