It is a great pleasure for us to inform you that “Autoportret” has received a financial support from the International Visegrad Fund within the “Small Grants” programme. Our application concerned issue no. 4[36]/2011 which is provisionally titled “Identity in space” and will be devoted to the ways in which broadly understood identity of the inhabitants of East-Central Europe has been rendered in space and architecture after 1989. The issue is to be published at the turn of 2011 and 2012 and our partners in this project are Magyar Épitészeti Múzeum (Hungarian Museum of Architecture in Budapest), a Prague-based magazine „Zlatý řez” and Spolok architektov Slovenska (Slovak Architects Association) in Bratislava.
“Identities in space” will be the fifth issue in the history of our magazine which received a support from the IVF, the four previous publications were “Around Functionalist Architecture”, “Organic Architecture”, “Death in Central Europe”, and “Imagining Nations”.
In the current issue we draw a link between a topic (death) and an area (Central Europe). Neither the topic nor the area have infrequently been discussed recently but we feel that in combining them we may reveal the potential of the non-obvious that is inherent in both.
We invite you to read!
In the issue:
Titania hidden behind a fan by Emiliano Ranocchi
Vienna – the Worldly Capital of Death by Wittigo Keller
Common Hygiene by Miroslav Petříček
Concise Typology of Gothic Death by Dušan Buran
Paintings of the Dead in the Art of Modern Europe Beyond the Alps by Piotr Krasny
Ars Moriend in Upper Hungary by Katarína Chmelinová
Where Death is Not Bad by Vladimír Czumalo
Life for your country! But for which one? by Mátuš Dulla
Against Illness – Against Death by Aleksandra Paradowska
Jewish Way of Dying by Przemysław Piekarski
Blood on the Plate by Aleš Roleček
A not-so-merry graveyard by Łukasz Galusek
Heroes and Kopjafas in Hungary During The Shift of Regime by Nóra Kovács
To Survive a Year as a Celery. Joanna Nowostawska-Gyalókay talks to Krzysztof Varga
The Curse of Time by Agnieszka Szeffel
As Not to Frighten the Soul. Magdalena Petryna talks to Małgorzata Szumowska
Own Death by Péter Nádas
Financial support for ‘Death in Central Europe’ issue:
International Visegrad Fund