East-Central Europe – autoportret http://archiwum.autoportret.pl pismo o dobrej przestrzeni Tue, 20 Aug 2019 08:22:43 +0000 pl-PL hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.28 Autoportret received a grant from the IVF http://archiwum.autoportret.pl/2011/07/26/autoportret-received-a-grant-from-the-ivf/ Tue, 26 Jul 2011 18:55:55 +0000 http://archiwum.autoportret.pl/?p=4283 It is a great pleasure for us to inform you that “Autoportret” has received a financial support from the International Visegrad Fund within the “Small Grants” programme. Our application concerned issue no. 4[36]/2011 which is provisionally titled “Identity in space” and will be devoted to the ways in which broadly understood identity of the inhabitants of East-Central Europe has been rendered in space and architecture after 1989. The issue is to be published at the turn of 2011 and 2012 and our partners in this project are Magyar Épitészeti Múzeum (Hungarian Museum of Architecture in Budapest), a Prague-based magazine „Zlatý řez” and Spolok architektov Slovenska (Slovak Architects Association) in Bratislava.

“Identities in space” will be the fifth issue in the history of our magazine which received a support from the IVF, the four previous publications were “Around Functionalist Architecture”, “Organic Architecture”, “Death in Central Europe”, and “Imagining Nations”.

Imagining Nations http://archiwum.autoportret.pl/2010/12/20/imagining-nations/ Mon, 20 Dec 2010 17:07:57 +0000 http://archiwum.autoportret.pl/?p=3851 We are pleased to inform you that the English version of the current issue of the “Autoportret” quarterly is ready for download.

Full English version of our website is under construction and will be launched soon.

Autoportret 3[32]/2010
Imagining Nations

Miroslav Hroch The modern nation: a platitude, construction or invention? [PDF]
Jan Randák Where is my home? [PDF]
Andrzej Szczerski New Europe [PDF]
Dušan Škvarna Genuine or artificial homeland [PDF]
Anna Vetraková An appealing symbol of Slovakia [PDF]
Antoni Kroh The Tatras of nations [PDF]
David Crowley Zakopane style − national style [PDF]
Jakub Puchalski The nationality of music? [PDF]
Aleksandra Paradowska In the suburbs but close to the centre [PDF]
András Hadik ‘There was no Hungarian language of forms but there will be’ [PDF]
Noémi Petneki A steppe nomad or stray rider? [PDF]
Endre Prakfalvi, Pál Ritoók Socialist in content, national in form [PDF]
Jurko Prochaśko Sense and sensation [PDF]
Vadim Bass Takeaway literature [PDF]

The issue has been published with the financial support of the International Visegrad Fund.
